La finance islamique
Modérateur : Administrateurs
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- Messages : 17553
- Inscription : 17 mars 2008, 19:41
- Localisation : Paris, France
La finance islamique

La Structure (par VideoBourse) : Formation sur mesure et évolutive pour optimiser compréhension et résultats en trading
- Nouche
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- Messages : 491
- Inscription : 24 févr. 2009, 15:25
- Localisation : Marietta, GA USA
Re: [Vidéos] La finance islamique
La plus haute finalité de la richesse n'est pas de faire de l'argent, mais de faire que l'argent améliore la vie.[Henry Ford]
Maxwell - Arroz Con Pollo - Embrya
Maxwell - Arroz Con Pollo - Embrya
- Administrateur
- Messages : 17553
- Inscription : 17 mars 2008, 19:41
- Localisation : Paris, France
Re: [Videos] La finance islamique
Pourquoi cites tu cela Nouche?
Est ce qu'il y a une des vidéos dans lequel ce sujet ou cette personne est mentionné?
Est ce qu'il y a une des vidéos dans lequel ce sujet ou cette personne est mentionné?

La Structure (par VideoBourse) : Formation sur mesure et évolutive pour optimiser compréhension et résultats en trading
- Nouche
- Membre assidu
- Messages : 491
- Inscription : 24 févr. 2009, 15:25
- Localisation : Marietta, GA USA
Re: [Videos] La finance islamique
Oui, click sur le liendreamfab a écrit :Pourquoi cites tu cela Nouche?
Est ce qu'il y a une des vidéos dans lequel ce sujet ou cette personne est mentionné?

La plus haute finalité de la richesse n'est pas de faire de l'argent, mais de faire que l'argent améliore la vie.[Henry Ford]
Maxwell - Arroz Con Pollo - Embrya
Maxwell - Arroz Con Pollo - Embrya
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- Messages : 3
- Inscription : 15 sept. 2021, 11:28
Je veux savoir l'arabe.
Je suis d'accord avec l'opinion selon laquelle il n'y a nulle part sans langue étrangère. Par conséquent, j'ai décidé de rattraper ceux qui le parlent couramment. A la recherche d'un professeur d'arabe ! J'en ai vraiment besoin, j'attends votre aide.
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- Messages : 2
- Inscription : 17 sept. 2021, 13:42
Re: Je veux savoir l'arabe.
Un choix assez inhabituel. Bon, d'accord, apparemment tu as tes propres raisons. Avez-vous déjà fréquenté une école en ligne?
- Nouveau
- Messages : 2
- Inscription : 17 sept. 2021, 07:25
Re: Je veux savoir l'arabe.
Bonne soirée! Arabe? Inhabituel! Vous savez, je pense pouvoir recommander ce site. Je l'ai utilisé à une époque où je devais partir à l'étranger. J'y ai étudié une autre langue, mais ils ont aussi l'arabe. Les avis sont plutôt bons, je pense qu'ils peuvent vous aider.
- Membre actif
- Messages : 24
- Inscription : 23 nov. 2019, 16:53
Ramadan; Month of Great Victories
Ramadan; Month of Great Victories
By: Abdullah Abdeen
Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. During this month, Muslims abstain not only from eating, drinking and intimate relationship from dawn to sunset, but also from anything that displeases Allah (Glory be to Him). The obligation of fasting in Islam came after the obligation of prayer, as the former became obligatory in the second year after Hijrah. While the month of Ramadan is regarded as the month of observing fasting, reciting the Glorious Qur’an, giving charity and many acts of worship, we must also keep in mind that it is a month of honor and pride for all Muslims as they managed to snatch great victories from the jaws of defeat.
The first battle that took place during the month of Ramadan was the battle of Badr, referred to as Yaum al-Furqān (day when the true was distinguished from the false) in the Qur'an as Allah says, “…if you truly believe In Allah and in what We sent down on Our servant on the day when the true was distinguished from the false, the day on which the two armies met in battle. Allah has power over all things”.[1] This battle took place on the 17th of Ramadan, 2 A.H. It is worth mentioning here that the number of Muslim fighters during this battle was about three hundred while the number of the unbelievers was about one thousand. However, Muslims were sure that Allah would support them with such great victory as Allah says,
“We will, without doubt, help our messengers and those who believe, (both) in this world's life and on the Day when the Witnesses will stand forth”
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Due to this great victory, Allah revealed a verse recited in the Glorious Quran till the day of judgment so that this battle remains deep engraved in the hearts of Muslims around the globe and throughout centuries, where Allah says, “Allah had helped you at Badr, when you were a contemptible little force; then fear Allah; thus may you show your gratitude”.[3]
After the battle of Badr, the Muslim army was able to liberate Mecca on 20th of Ramadan 8 A.H. This liberation, known also as (the greatest conquest), marked the end of the wars between the followers of the Prophet and the tribe of Quraysh. This battle was a turning point in Muslim history as Muslim started to control over the Arabian Peninsula as a whole. When Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) went to Mecca, he performed circumambulation around the K‘aba (tawaaf) and started breaking down the pagans' idols rehearsing Allah's saying, “And say: "Truth has (now) arrived, and falsehood perished: for falsehood is (by its nature) bound to perish".[4]
On 28th of Ramadan 92 A.H., the Muslim army led by Tariq ibn Ziyad and Mussa Ibn Nusair was able to conquer al-Andalus (Parts of the Iberian Peninsula ruled by Muslims), in the west, and another Muslim army reached China, in the east. The Islam remained in al-Andalus for more than eight centuries and this land was one of the most important crossing points between Islamic and European civilizations. The Islamic civilization in al-Andalus came to an end with the fall of the Emirate of Granada.
Afterwards, on the 9th of Ramadan 212 A.H., Muslims, led by Asad ibn al-Furat, who was also a jurist and theologian, conquered the Island of Sicily, which is regarded as the biggest island in the Mediterranean Sea. Muslims became only five miles away from Italy. Muslims ceaselessly continued their journey of preaching and spreading the message of Islam across the globe.
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On Ramadan 223 A.H., the Abbasid campaign was led personally by the Caliph al-Mu‘tasim, when a Muslim woman appealed for help from him saying, “O Mu‘tasim, [Save me!]”. Therefore, he targeted Amorium, a Byzantine city in western Asia Minor, because it was one of Byzantium's largest and most important cities. Amorium was strongly fortified but a traitor revealed a weak spot in the wall, where the Abbasids concentrated their attack, effecting a breach and soldiers surrendered.
As for modern era, we find that the greatest war that occurred in Ramadan was the 6th of October War, 1973, which corresponds to the 10th of Ramadan 1393 A.H., where the Egyptian army forces crossed the Bar Lev Line and destroyed the Israeli defense points east of the Canal. After long negotiations, Egypt restored not only its entire land from the Israeli occupation, but its military prestige that it had lost after the defeat on the 5th of June 1967 as well. Therefore, there is no wonder if we said that fasting and the month of Ramadan are a source of inspiration, enthusiasm, and motivation to the Muslim soldiers, as this month witnessed many decisive battles that contributed greatly to Muslim achievements. We can also surely say that it is a month for hard work, great effort and endurance, not a month for laziness and sleeping.
By: Abdullah Abdeen
Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. During this month, Muslims abstain not only from eating, drinking and intimate relationship from dawn to sunset, but also from anything that displeases Allah (Glory be to Him). The obligation of fasting in Islam came after the obligation of prayer, as the former became obligatory in the second year after Hijrah. While the month of Ramadan is regarded as the month of observing fasting, reciting the Glorious Qur’an, giving charity and many acts of worship, we must also keep in mind that it is a month of honor and pride for all Muslims as they managed to snatch great victories from the jaws of defeat.
The first battle that took place during the month of Ramadan was the battle of Badr, referred to as Yaum al-Furqān (day when the true was distinguished from the false) in the Qur'an as Allah says, “…if you truly believe In Allah and in what We sent down on Our servant on the day when the true was distinguished from the false, the day on which the two armies met in battle. Allah has power over all things”.[1] This battle took place on the 17th of Ramadan, 2 A.H. It is worth mentioning here that the number of Muslim fighters during this battle was about three hundred while the number of the unbelievers was about one thousand. However, Muslims were sure that Allah would support them with such great victory as Allah says,
“We will, without doubt, help our messengers and those who believe, (both) in this world's life and on the Day when the Witnesses will stand forth”
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Due to this great victory, Allah revealed a verse recited in the Glorious Quran till the day of judgment so that this battle remains deep engraved in the hearts of Muslims around the globe and throughout centuries, where Allah says, “Allah had helped you at Badr, when you were a contemptible little force; then fear Allah; thus may you show your gratitude”.[3]
After the battle of Badr, the Muslim army was able to liberate Mecca on 20th of Ramadan 8 A.H. This liberation, known also as (the greatest conquest), marked the end of the wars between the followers of the Prophet and the tribe of Quraysh. This battle was a turning point in Muslim history as Muslim started to control over the Arabian Peninsula as a whole. When Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) went to Mecca, he performed circumambulation around the K‘aba (tawaaf) and started breaking down the pagans' idols rehearsing Allah's saying, “And say: "Truth has (now) arrived, and falsehood perished: for falsehood is (by its nature) bound to perish".[4]
On 28th of Ramadan 92 A.H., the Muslim army led by Tariq ibn Ziyad and Mussa Ibn Nusair was able to conquer al-Andalus (Parts of the Iberian Peninsula ruled by Muslims), in the west, and another Muslim army reached China, in the east. The Islam remained in al-Andalus for more than eight centuries and this land was one of the most important crossing points between Islamic and European civilizations. The Islamic civilization in al-Andalus came to an end with the fall of the Emirate of Granada.
Afterwards, on the 9th of Ramadan 212 A.H., Muslims, led by Asad ibn al-Furat, who was also a jurist and theologian, conquered the Island of Sicily, which is regarded as the biggest island in the Mediterranean Sea. Muslims became only five miles away from Italy. Muslims ceaselessly continued their journey of preaching and spreading the message of Islam across the globe.
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On Ramadan 223 A.H., the Abbasid campaign was led personally by the Caliph al-Mu‘tasim, when a Muslim woman appealed for help from him saying, “O Mu‘tasim, [Save me!]”. Therefore, he targeted Amorium, a Byzantine city in western Asia Minor, because it was one of Byzantium's largest and most important cities. Amorium was strongly fortified but a traitor revealed a weak spot in the wall, where the Abbasids concentrated their attack, effecting a breach and soldiers surrendered.
As for modern era, we find that the greatest war that occurred in Ramadan was the 6th of October War, 1973, which corresponds to the 10th of Ramadan 1393 A.H., where the Egyptian army forces crossed the Bar Lev Line and destroyed the Israeli defense points east of the Canal. After long negotiations, Egypt restored not only its entire land from the Israeli occupation, but its military prestige that it had lost after the defeat on the 5th of June 1967 as well. Therefore, there is no wonder if we said that fasting and the month of Ramadan are a source of inspiration, enthusiasm, and motivation to the Muslim soldiers, as this month witnessed many decisive battles that contributed greatly to Muslim achievements. We can also surely say that it is a month for hard work, great effort and endurance, not a month for laziness and sleeping.
- Membre actif
- Messages : 24
- Inscription : 23 nov. 2019, 16:53
How Should We Celebrate the Anniversary of the Birth of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?
How Should We Celebrate the Anniversary of the Birth of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?
For Muslims, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the best creature ever. He is the last messenger and prophet sent by the Almighty Allah to guide people from the darkness of ignorance to light of Divine guidance. At any human scale, he (PBUH) is a man of extraordinary achievements. This is a fact admitted not only by Muslims, but by non-Muslim thinkers and philosophers also. Having put Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) on top of the list of the most 100 most influential people in history in his The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History, Michael H. Hart states, “My choice of Muhammad to lead the list of the world's most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others, but he was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular level.”
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) succeeded to be an embodiment of perfect attributes and values. He called upon all people to have good manners and promote higher values of peace, mercy, respect of others, etc. He succeeded to turn an uncivilized nation into a nation of prime civilization that taught the whole world how to get civilized. So, how can we celebrate the birth anniversary of a man of such character and a great prophet?
The fact of the matter is that celebrating the birth of this beloved Prophet (PBUH) cannot be by chanting songs that enumerate his excellent qualities and lib servicing only. Rather, this opportunity should be seized to the full to preach his (PBUH) message and values. Celebration should have different aspects.
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First of all, we shall take him as our role model, i.e. to follow in his footsteps and have the morals he had. Qatadah reported, “I said to ‘Aisha, ‘O mother of the believers, tell me about the character of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH).’ ‘Aisha said, ‘Have you not read the Quran?’ I said, ‘Of course.’ ʿAisha said, ‘Verily, the character of the Prophet of Allah was the Quran.’” (Sahih Muslim) In another version of the hadith she replied, “He was a walking Qur’an,” i.e. he was an embodiment of the values of the Qur’an. Accordingly, the first manifestation of celebration should be following the Prophet’s (PBUH) message, obeying his legislation, observing good deeds and abstaining from bad deeds and ill manners, and applying his merciful approach when dealing with women, children and any vulnerable group of people.
Another aspect of celebration is to disseminate these good values throughout the world in all means possible in order to introduce the true image of this great prophet extraordinary human being to all humankind. The world in the present time is in dire need for the values of Islam and the character of our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as it goes though continued crises and disasters at all levels. The example of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the way of salvation for humankind in this difficult epoch of history; where the world is void any moral code, where the super powers manipulate weak countries, where some people spoil natural resources and waste food and beverages and some others die out of hunger.
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Furthermore, we need to reinvestigate and reread the biography and Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in order to come out with new lessons learned and new methods to overcome the challenges facing us today. The month of Rabi I, when the Prophet was born, should be made a month of reviving the character of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in our lives and the lives of the whole mankind. Let it be an opportunity to correct the course of humankind.
For Muslims, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the best creature ever. He is the last messenger and prophet sent by the Almighty Allah to guide people from the darkness of ignorance to light of Divine guidance. At any human scale, he (PBUH) is a man of extraordinary achievements. This is a fact admitted not only by Muslims, but by non-Muslim thinkers and philosophers also. Having put Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) on top of the list of the most 100 most influential people in history in his The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History, Michael H. Hart states, “My choice of Muhammad to lead the list of the world's most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others, but he was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular level.”
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) succeeded to be an embodiment of perfect attributes and values. He called upon all people to have good manners and promote higher values of peace, mercy, respect of others, etc. He succeeded to turn an uncivilized nation into a nation of prime civilization that taught the whole world how to get civilized. So, how can we celebrate the birth anniversary of a man of such character and a great prophet?
The fact of the matter is that celebrating the birth of this beloved Prophet (PBUH) cannot be by chanting songs that enumerate his excellent qualities and lib servicing only. Rather, this opportunity should be seized to the full to preach his (PBUH) message and values. Celebration should have different aspects.
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First of all, we shall take him as our role model, i.e. to follow in his footsteps and have the morals he had. Qatadah reported, “I said to ‘Aisha, ‘O mother of the believers, tell me about the character of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH).’ ‘Aisha said, ‘Have you not read the Quran?’ I said, ‘Of course.’ ʿAisha said, ‘Verily, the character of the Prophet of Allah was the Quran.’” (Sahih Muslim) In another version of the hadith she replied, “He was a walking Qur’an,” i.e. he was an embodiment of the values of the Qur’an. Accordingly, the first manifestation of celebration should be following the Prophet’s (PBUH) message, obeying his legislation, observing good deeds and abstaining from bad deeds and ill manners, and applying his merciful approach when dealing with women, children and any vulnerable group of people.
Another aspect of celebration is to disseminate these good values throughout the world in all means possible in order to introduce the true image of this great prophet extraordinary human being to all humankind. The world in the present time is in dire need for the values of Islam and the character of our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as it goes though continued crises and disasters at all levels. The example of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the way of salvation for humankind in this difficult epoch of history; where the world is void any moral code, where the super powers manipulate weak countries, where some people spoil natural resources and waste food and beverages and some others die out of hunger.
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Furthermore, we need to reinvestigate and reread the biography and Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in order to come out with new lessons learned and new methods to overcome the challenges facing us today. The month of Rabi I, when the Prophet was born, should be made a month of reviving the character of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in our lives and the lives of the whole mankind. Let it be an opportunity to correct the course of humankind.