Jeux Vidéos / Gaming

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Jeux Vidéos / Gaming

#1 Message par Fabien LABROUSSE »

L'avenir du gaming sera sur la Blockchain | Ultra (Crypto $UOS)

171 k abonnés

Ultra (UOS) est le parfait cas d'étude pour comprendre comment la Blockchain va révolutionner le monde du gaming. L'avenir du jeu vidéo sera bien différent de ce que nous connaissons aujourd'hui.

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Exchange qui liste UOS:

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0:00 Introduction
3:32 Background
6:20 Ultra, qu'est ce que c'est ?
12:57 Les NFT, un outil puissant
19:01 Ultra, pour les developpeurs
23:04 Les partenaires
28:38 La crypto $UOS
32:48 Clôture

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#Crypto #Blockchain #Gaming


La Structure (par VideoBourse) : Formation sur mesure et évolutive pour optimiser compréhension et résultats en trading

📈 Informations et inscriptions :

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📖 Marchés en aparté : Témoignages de traders, investisseurs, analystes et économistes sur les marchés financiers

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Messages : 17134
Inscription : 17 mars 2008, 19:41
Localisation : Paris, France

Quand les GAMERS sont FORMIDABLES ! Z Event, les 3 choses à retenir ! - JVCom DAILY

#2 Message par Fabien LABROUSSE »
416 k abonnés

Pour la cinquième année consécutive, le ZEvent a bel et bien eu lieu malgré la situation sanitaire. Il a été un véritable succès et ce, à plusieurs titres. Panthaa explique pourquoi dans le Daily d'aujourd'hui.

Pendant tout le weekend, une quarantaine de streamer ont donné leur maximum pendant le marathon caritatif organisé par Adrien "Zerator" Nougaret et Alexandre "Dach" Dachary. Les joueurs, sur place ou non, ont réussi à réunir plus de 5.7 millions d'euros pour Amnesty International, une association promouvant la défense des droits de l'homme. Et cet exploit n'est pas anodin.

Tout d'abord, Panthaa explique l'importance de la somme amassée. À cette édition 2020, c'est donc plus de 5.7 millions d'euros qui ont été récoltés. C'est donc 60% de plus que l'année dernière l'événement avait atteint 3.5 milions d'euros... et s'était vu attribué la médaille de l'événement caritatif le plus lucratif du monde sur Twitch.

Panthaa conclut avec les différentes méthodes utilisés par les participants pour parvenir à faire exploser la cagnotte. Ils avaient plusieurs objectifs à faire si leur stream récoltait une certaine somme. Par exemple, Moman s'est rasé la barbe après avoir atteint la barre des 100k €, Ponce va devoir organiser un deuxième tour de France du jeu vidéo et MisterMV prévoit de produire un album en featuring avec divers artistes tels que Mister V, Vald ou encore Carpenter Brut. Étoiles a organisé un Question pour un Streamer, version revisitée de Questions pour un Champion, avec Samuel Étienne, journaliste et présentateur de l'émission originale.

Tous les jeux vidéo sont sur, le site spécialisé qui propose tests, reviews, previews, aperçus, actu et news, soluces et astuces, dossiers et tout ce qu'il faut pour les gamers passionnés !
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#ZEvent #ZeratoR #JVComDaily


La Structure (par VideoBourse) : Formation sur mesure et évolutive pour optimiser compréhension et résultats en trading

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📖 Marchés en aparté : Témoignages de traders, investisseurs, analystes et économistes sur les marchés financiers

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Messages : 17134
Inscription : 17 mars 2008, 19:41
Localisation : Paris, France

Gaming is a massive sector, and companies are making their moves in the field

#3 Message par Fabien LABROUSSE »


La Structure (par VideoBourse) : Formation sur mesure et évolutive pour optimiser compréhension et résultats en trading

📈 Informations et inscriptions :

🤝 Contact et échanges avec la communauté : Discord, mail, téléphone, LinkedIn...

📖 Marchés en aparté : Témoignages de traders, investisseurs, analystes et économistes sur les marchés financiers

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Messages : 17134
Inscription : 17 mars 2008, 19:41
Localisation : Paris, France

Short Squeeze Gamestop et l'actualité bourse du jeu vidéo

#4 Message par Fabien LABROUSSE »

Publications Agora
40,1 k abonnés

Abonnez-vous et recevez gratuitement notre guide Des gain à 3 chiffres avec le jeu vidéo : ... ign=gaming

Chaque semaine, habituellement le lundi à 17h30, retrouvez le suivi et les analyses d'Arthur Toce sur le secteur du jeu vidéo en direct live sur Twitch :

Toutes les news du business et de l'investissement dans le gaming sur notre site : ... jeu-video/

Pour aller plus loin et découvrir nos recommandations, abonnez-vous à NewTech Insider : ... geNumber=2

Rediffusion du live Twitch du lundi 25 janvier 2021.


La Structure (par VideoBourse) : Formation sur mesure et évolutive pour optimiser compréhension et résultats en trading

📈 Informations et inscriptions :

🤝 Contact et échanges avec la communauté : Discord, mail, téléphone, LinkedIn...

📖 Marchés en aparté : Témoignages de traders, investisseurs, analystes et économistes sur les marchés financiers

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Messages : 17134
Inscription : 17 mars 2008, 19:41
Localisation : Paris, France

Frédéric Chesnais (PDG d'Atari) : "En Bourse, on a retrouvé de la liquidité pour les actionnaires !"

#5 Message par Fabien LABROUSSE »

47,5 k abonnés

Résultats semestriels, console Atari VCS, cryptomonnaie Atari Token, projet d’Hôtels, concurrence sur le marché du gaming : Frédéric Chesnais, President-directeur général d’Atari, était l'invité de l'émission Ecorama du 17 février 2021, présentée par Julien Gagliardi sur


La Structure (par VideoBourse) : Formation sur mesure et évolutive pour optimiser compréhension et résultats en trading

📈 Informations et inscriptions :

🤝 Contact et échanges avec la communauté : Discord, mail, téléphone, LinkedIn...

📖 Marchés en aparté : Témoignages de traders, investisseurs, analystes et économistes sur les marchés financiers

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Messages : 17134
Inscription : 17 mars 2008, 19:41
Localisation : Paris, France

Une crise monétaire dans un jeu vidéo ?

#6 Message par Fabien LABROUSSE »

63,9 k abonnés

Formation Vidéo : "Investir en Bourse" : ... dium=video
Découvrez nos Services : ... dium=video

✍️ Une crise déflationniste frappe de plein fouet le nouveau jeu d'Amazon: New World. L'occasion de faire le point sur les dégâts causés par une baisse des prix, ainsi que sur les financiers qui l'anticipent.
Interview de Cathie Wood:
Article: ... w-world%2F

🤵‍ Trader puis manager dans des banques d'investissement et banques privées à Paris, Londres et Genève, Xavier Delmas décrypte les marchés financiers et l'économie.

Retrouvez-nous sur Zonebourse : l'actualité boursière en temps réel, l'investissement en bourse, les conseils, les analyses et les cotations. ... dium=video


La Structure (par VideoBourse) : Formation sur mesure et évolutive pour optimiser compréhension et résultats en trading

📈 Informations et inscriptions :

🤝 Contact et échanges avec la communauté : Discord, mail, téléphone, LinkedIn...

📖 Marchés en aparté : Témoignages de traders, investisseurs, analystes et économistes sur les marchés financiers

Messages : 2
Inscription : 12 janv. 2022, 15:27

Jouer avec ses amis, mais en quoi?

#7 Message par Balbutier33 »

Salut! J'ai une question pour ce forum et ses utilisateurs. Je ne comprends pas quel jeu choisir pour y participer avec mes amis proches. Mais ce ne doit pas être le jeu en ligne et les autres liés au ce type. Donc, j'ai besoin de votre conseil quand même.

Messages : 3
Inscription : 24 déc. 2021, 13:23

Re: Jouer avec ses amis, mais en quoi?

#8 Message par Renetablo »

Salut Balbutier33, de quels jeux parles-tu ?

Messages : 7
Inscription : 12 janv. 2022, 15:25

Re: Jouer avec ses amis, mais en quoi?

#9 Message par AlainDumont »

Actuellement, beaucoup de gens jouent à des jeux différents et je suppose que c'est raisonnable. Cela aide certainement à développer l'humeur. Par exemple, récemment, je me suis également intéressé au jeu de quête, car il aide à me retirer de la routine sans fin après une semaine de travail acharné. J'ai donc commencé à utiliser afin d'en savoir plus sur certaines quêtes et son prix. Si vous voulez vraiment rendre votre temps plus polyvalent, il suffit de visiter cette plate-forme et de vérifier toutes les informations.

Avatar de l’utilisateur
Messages : 17134
Inscription : 17 mars 2008, 19:41
Localisation : Paris, France

Microsoft va racheter Activision Blizzard (Call of Duty, World of Warcraft, etc.)

#10 Message par Fabien LABROUSSE »


La Structure (par VideoBourse) : Formation sur mesure et évolutive pour optimiser compréhension et résultats en trading

📈 Informations et inscriptions :

🤝 Contact et échanges avec la communauté : Discord, mail, téléphone, LinkedIn...

📖 Marchés en aparté : Témoignages de traders, investisseurs, analystes et économistes sur les marchés financiers

Messages : 7
Inscription : 12 janv. 2022, 15:25

Re: Une crise monétaire dans un jeu vidéo ?

#11 Message par AlainDumont »

Fabien LABROUSSE a écrit : 06 déc. 2021, 19:11 Zonebourse
63,9 k abonnés

Formation Vidéo : "Investir en Bourse" : ... dium=video
Découvrez nos Services : ... dium=video

✍️ Une crise déflationniste frappe de plein fouet le nouveau jeu d'Amazon: New World. L'occasion de faire le point sur les dégâts causés par une baisse des prix, ainsi que sur les financiers qui l'anticipent.
Interview de Cathie Wood:
Article: ... w-world%2F

🤵‍ Trader puis manager dans des banques d'investissement et banques privées à Paris, Londres et Genève, Xavier Delmas décrypte les marchés financiers et l'économie.

Retrouvez-nous sur Zonebourse : l'actualité boursière en temps réel, l'investissement en bourse, les conseils, les analyses et les cotations. ... dium=video

Je comprends votre problème avec les jeux vidéo. En outre, vous pouvez également passer votre temps libre à jouer au jeu de quête. En conséquence, dans ce cas, je voudrais mentionner cette source où vous pourrez vérifier les jeux de quête et en savoir plus sur leur emplacement et leur prix. Cette façon de passer du temps est vraiment cool. en outre, vous pouvez également faire un cadeau à votre ami, par exemple, offrir un jeu de quête.

Messages : 6
Inscription : 16 juil. 2019, 12:03

Re: Secteur des jeux videos - bourse / actions

#12 Message par Franck66 »

Bonjour j'aimerais savoir si vous conseillez une formation pour développer des jeux vidéos en ligne ? J'en ai vu sur udemy..Jeux islamique
Du coup je vous savoir, Qu'en pensez-vous ? Fiable ou pas ? Merci d'avance pour vos réponses et bon gaming à vous ! A bientôt

Avatar de l’utilisateur
Messages : 17134
Inscription : 17 mars 2008, 19:41
Localisation : Paris, France

De VP chez Goldman Sachs à Master sur League of Legends #TryHard Jokariz

#13 Message par Fabien LABROUSSE »

📈 Marc Lesage-Moretti alias Jokariz était Vice President chez Goldman Sachs. Il est maintenant streamer et Master sur League of Legends Découvrons son parcours, ses péripéties en salles de marchés et ses motivations dans cette interview.

➡️ Suivez le et devenez acteur de son aventure :

🎮 Timeline :

00:00 Générique

00:09 Introduction

00:52 Pourquoi quitter la salle des marchés pour la creator economy ?

03:57 Focus sur le gaming (League of Legends, son intérêt intellectuel, sa concurrence internationale...)

08:11 Pourquoi prendre un tel risque (financier, carrière...)

13:27 Le projet/futur/évolution Jokariz : streaming gaming (pas que LoL), talk show généraliste, finance

15:14 Études puis carrière en salles des marchés de grandes banques (BNP Paribas puis Goldman Sachs)

22:16 La salle des marchés de maison Dorée (BNP)

26:32 Entrée puis évolution chez Goldman

35:22 Des journées à rallonge (jusqu'à 14h de travail en stage !)

37:33 La vie, la concurrence, le trading et l'ambiance en salle des marchés de grande banque

47:22 Quel challenge et quel plaisir trouves-tu dans la creator economy ?

51:27 Un conseil pour les investisseurs et traders particuliers ?

56:34 Les crypto monnaies

57:46 Suivre Marc sur les différents réseaux :

01:04:43 Pro gamer ? Ou encadrement/management d'une team ?

01:06:23 Programmation/développement ?

01:06:58 Conclusion


La Structure (par VideoBourse) : Formation sur mesure et évolutive pour optimiser compréhension et résultats en trading

📈 Informations et inscriptions :

🤝 Contact et échanges avec la communauté : Discord, mail, téléphone, LinkedIn...

📖 Marchés en aparté : Témoignages de traders, investisseurs, analystes et économistes sur les marchés financiers

Messages : 6
Inscription : 30 août 2023, 10:08

Mastering the Shadows: A Comprehensive Diablo 4 Rogue Build Guide

#14 Message par haoxiuyun »

Mastering the Shadows: A Comprehensive Diablo 4 Rogue Build Guide

Diablo 4 has introduced players to a world of Diablo IV Gold dark and thrilling adventures, where character builds are key to surviving the relentless hordes of demons. For those who have reached at least level 50 and earned the 10 additional Skill Points through Renown, this Rogue build guide is your ticket to maximizing your potential in the game. Whether you're looking to optimize your current character or start fresh, this guide will equip you with the knowledge you need to excel.

Before diving into the intricacies of the Shadow Slicer Rogue build, it's essential to have a strong foundation. If you're still leveling up, consider adopting the Rogue Leveling Build, which combines Flurry and Shadow Imbuement for swift and efficient clearing of lower-level content. Later in this guide, we'll also provide insights into transitioning from a level 1 character to a formidable Shadow Slicer Rogue.

The Shadow Slicer Rogue build is designed for players who crave swift and stylish combat encounters. It capitalizes on a remarkably low cooldown on Dash, enhanced by the Shadowslicer Aspect, and the potent Shadow Clone ability. This synergy enables the Rogue to dispatch foes rapidly, often delivering three devastating hits that collectively deal up to approximately 300% Base Damage.

At the peak of your gearing journey, Dash will boast an impressive 5-second cooldown per charge. This cooldown can be almost entirely offset by the Aspect of Quickening Fog, triggered by using Smoke Grenade. With a combination of Aspect of Quickening Fog, manual casting, and the Escape Artist's Aspect, your character will find themselves able to Dash far more frequently than one might expect.

Survival is a crucial aspect of any Rogue's journey in Diablo 4, and the Shadow Slicer build excels in this department. The defensive toolkit includes a blend of Daze, Dark Shroud, and Dodge, ensuring your Rogue remains resilient in the face of danger. Notably, Dark Shroud is cast automatically, allowing for consistently high uptime on your stack of Shrouds. This benefit becomes particularly pronounced when enemies struggle to land hits due to your frequent dodging.

As you progress, Smoke Grenades will become a staple in your arsenal, applying Daze frequently to foes. This alone can be a lifesaver by preventing enemy attacks and granting you the upper hand in combat situations. With decent gear rolls, you can expect to achieve around 26% Dodge on average and an impressive 36% Dodge with high-quality gear. Additionally, when Agile is active, you'll enjoy an extra 12% Dodge. Escape Artist's Aspect is the cherry on top, granting you several instances of 100% dodges every 45 seconds. Each dodge enhances your Attack Speed, Damage, and Energy, thanks to stat rolls and the Assimilation Aspect.

The Shadow Slicer Rogue build in Diablo 4 is a masterclass in efficiency and finesse, offering both formidable offensive capabilities and solid defensive mechanics. With its low Dash cooldown and automatic Dark Shroud casting, it excels in dealing with enemies swiftly while maintaining high survivability.

This guide assumes a minimum level of 50 and the acquisition of 10 additional Skill Points through Renown. If you're leveling up, the Rogue Leveling Build with Flurry and Shadow Imbuement is an excellent choice to reach this stage efficiently. And for those starting from scratch, we've included a leveling section to guide you through the process.

As you embrace the shadows and refine your Rogue's abilities, Diablo 4 promises a thrilling adventure filled with Diablo 4 buy Gold challenges and rewards. With the right build, like the Shadow Slicer, you'll be well-prepared to conquer the dark forces that threaten Sanctuary.

Messages : 6
Inscription : 30 août 2023, 10:08

FIFA 23 Pre-Season: A Farewell to FIFA 23 and a Glimpse into EA FC 24

#15 Message par haoxiuyun »

FIFA 23 Pre-Season: A Farewell to FIFA 23 and a Glimpse into EA FC 24

As the gaming community eagerly anticipates the arrival of EA FC 24, FIFA 23 fans are FIFA 23 Coins preparing to bid farewell to the beloved title that has kept them entertained for months. However, before we transition to the new installment, EA Sports has unveiled a captivating Pre-Season program for FIFA 23. This event not only keeps the excitement alive but also presents players with opportunities to earn rewards that will carry over to EA FC 24. In this comprehensive article, we'll explore the FIFA 23 Pre-Season in detail, delve into the mechanics of earning EA FC 24 rewards, and provide insights into the enticing Ultimate Team Pre-season rewards.

What is FIFA 23 Pre-Season?

The FIFA 23 Pre-Season marks the bridge between the current title and the highly anticipated EA FC 24. It's a period where fans can savor the final moments of FIFA 23 while also setting their sights on what's to come. The Pre-Season introduces a series of events, challenges, and rewards that aim to keep players engaged and excited.

The Pre-Season program is a testament to EA Sports' commitment to delivering ongoing content and experiences for its FIFA community. It allows players to bid adieu to FIFA 23 in style while preparing for the next exciting chapter in the franchise.

How to Earn EA FC 24 Rewards in FIFA 23

One of the most exciting aspects of the FIFA 23 Pre-Season is the opportunity to earn rewards that will carry over to EA FC 24. Here's a breakdown of how you can maximize your rewards:

Participate Actively: To make the most of the Pre-Season event, it's essential to actively participate in the various challenges, objectives, and Squad Building Challenges (SBCs) presented during this period. Consistent engagement is key to unlocking rewards.

Complete "Join the Club" Objectives: Every Friday, players will receive "Join the Club" objectives that offer rewards for your Ultimate Team in FIFA 23. These objectives serve as a precursor to the gameplay dynamics of EA FC 24, giving you a head start in the upcoming title.

Take on SBCs: The "New Era" Squad Building Challenge (SBC) is a noteworthy feature of the Pre-Season. Successfully completing these SBCs not only grants rewards for FIFA 23 but also provides valuable bonuses for EA FC 24.

Stay Informed: Keep an eye on announcements and updates from EA Sports regarding the Pre-Season event. Staying informed about new challenges, objectives, and rewards ensures you don't miss out on any opportunities to accumulate valuable assets.

All EA FC 24 Ultimate Team Pre-Season Rewards

The Ultimate Team Pre-Season rewards are a major draw for FIFA 23 players. These rewards range from player packs to consumables, player loan items, and coin boosts. Here's a closer look at the types of rewards you can expect:

Player Packs: Pre-Season offers various player packs that provide the chance to acquire top-tier players to bolster your squad's strength.

Consumables: Essential items like contracts and fitness items are included in the rewards, ensuring that your team remains in peak condition.

Player Loan Items: Loan players are invaluable in FIFA, and Pre-Season rewards allow you to temporarily add star players to your roster, giving your team an edge in crucial matches.

Coin Boosts: In the world of FIFA Ultimate Team, coins are the lifeblood of your in-game economy. Pre-Season objectives offer coin boosts that can significantly boost your coin reserves, granting you greater flexibility in the transfer market.


The FIFA 23 Pre-Season event is a bittersweet farewell to a beloved title and a thrilling prelude to the highly anticipated EA FC 24. It provides players with a unique opportunity to earn valuable rewards that will carry over into the next installment, ensuring a head start in their football gaming journey.

By actively participating in the Pre-Season, completing objectives, and taking on SBCs, players can maximize their rewards and FUT 23 Coins for sale set themselves up for success in EA FC 24. As we bid adieu to FIFA 23, the Pre-Season reminds us that the world of FIFA is ever-evolving, and the excitement for the future knows no bounds. Get ready for the next chapter in football gaming excellence with FIFA 23's Pre-Season event.

Messages : 6
Inscription : 30 août 2023, 10:08

Unleash the Mystic Forces: A Guide to the Best Wizard Builds in Dark and Darker

#16 Message par haoxiuyun »

Unleash the Mystic Forces: A Guide to the Best Wizard Builds in Dark and Darker

Dark and Darker, the unforgiving dungeon-crawling epic, demands adventurers to Dark And Darker Gold embrace the arcane arts and unleash the forces of magic. Among the eight available classes, the Wizard stands as a formidable choice, wielding immense power through their spells and abilities. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore everything you need to know about crafting the best Wizard builds in Dark and Darker. From playstyle to weapons, spells, and abilities, you'll gain insight into how to harness the full potential of this formidable magic-user.

Wizards in Dark and Darker are renowned for their mastery of the arcane, boasting a versatile arsenal of offensive spells that encompass arcane, fire, lightning, and ice damage types. Their primary focus is on dealing devastating damage, making them indispensable assets in any adventuring party. However, it's essential to grasp the nuances of the Wizard's playstyle, as it comes with its own set of challenges and limitations.

Pros of Playing a Wizard:

Destructive Power: Wizards are unparalleled when it comes to dealing damage. Their spells can turn the tide of battle, decimating foes with elemental fury.

Cons of Playing a Wizard:

Fragility: Wizards are not known for their durability. They have limited health and armor, making them vulnerable in close combat situations.

Low Movement Speed: Wizards move slower than other classes, which can make it challenging to evade attacks or reposition strategically during battles.

Friendly Fire Risk: The sheer power of Wizard spells comes with a risk of accidentally hitting allies in the chaos of combat. Precise targeting and awareness are crucial.

Crafting the Best Wizard Builds

To excel as a Wizard in Dark and Darker, it's essential to choose the right build that complements your preferred playstyle and adapts to the challenges you'll face. Here's a breakdown of key components to consider when crafting the best Wizard build:

1. Weapon Selection:

Staffs: The staff is the quintessential weapon of a Wizard, enhancing spellcasting capabilities and amplifying magical damage.

2. Spell Arsenal:

Arcane Spells: These versatile spells offer a range of effects, from shields to crowd control. Mastering arcane spells is key to adapting to various situations.
Elemental Spells: Embrace the elemental fury of fire, lightning, and ice to unleash devastating damage on your enemies. Experiment with different elemental spells to find your preferred style.

3. Abilities:

Teleportation: Wizards can gain the upper hand by quickly repositioning in combat, escaping danger, or closing the gap to unleash their spells.
Mana Management: Efficiently managing your mana pool is vital. Invest in abilities that enhance mana regeneration to sustain your spellcasting.

4. Playstyle Tips:

Stay at Range: Utilize your formidable spellcasting abilities from a safe distance. This minimizes the risk of taking direct hits.
Team Coordination: Communicate with your team to avoid friendly fire incidents. Coordinate your spells with your allies' actions for maximum efficiency.
Crowd Control: Wizards excel at crowd control. Use spells like stuns and freezes to disrupt enemy formations and create openings for your team.

The Wizard class in Dark and Darker embodies the essence of arcane power, offering a thrilling and challenging gameplay experience. While they are fragile and vulnerable, Wizards compensate with unparalleled destructive potential. By choosing the right weapons, mastering a diverse spell arsenal, and strategically selecting abilities, you can craft the best Wizard build that suits your playstyle.

As you delve deeper into the brutal dungeons of Dark and Darker, remember that success as a Wizard requires both precision and adaptability. Embrace the role of Dark And Darker Gold for sale a damage-focused magic-user, and you'll wield the forces of magic to overcome the darkest challenges that this captivating RPG has to offer.

Messages : 3
Inscription : 28 août 2022, 09:57

P2Pah WoTLK:You should check out that to be helpful

#17 Message par Emilylowes »

These are raid CDs. If your healers don't require them, I highly recommend that you make use of you can develop macros for the CDs WoTLK Gold. Go to my Discord and I'll have backroads on there, as well as weakauras for tracking magnetite and cooldowns for innervate, and whispering to your shaman, and the wigglers that remind themthat I'm gonna drop the Mana Tide once they see that you've whispered them, as well as for Innervate.

You should check out that to be helpful for your guild in order to make their lives easier for making them feel like you're an innervate magnet because it's obviously kind of an annoyance. Make your life as simple as you can. Speaking of RAID buffs, we have to talk about focus magic, and who it is the most effective to seek out It is possible to see the order here on the screen with fire mage being at the topof the list, and then you'll know that affliction and Shadow Priests are about the same Arcane Mage and the list goes on.

The good thing about this it's, you know, this is a credit to the bowl using the wild sim to investigate and figure out that order. The sims are still being worked out. So it's subject to change, you know, be sure to take this with a pinch of salt. I'm not sure if you can actually trust it. Therefore, in my opinion the most effective method of using focus magic is to give the ability an opportunity to pump people.

Even in the top guilds there are players who work more than other buy WoTLK Gold. And it's going to best go to those players because they're the ones who will best utilize that 3percent crit since they'll just be doing the most casting which means that they'll get the most casts. will be benefited from this. is the best C2C platform online games' shop, cheap, fast delivery, safe, professional services guaranteed! is the most reliable place to buy games service with decent prices and great purchasing experience!

Messages : 3
Inscription : 28 août 2022, 09:57

MMOexp Dark And Darker:The implications of this new development

#18 Message par Emilylowes »

Chaf Games’ website now includes Aphotic and Darker amidst its abuttals of products. The ambassador is acclimatized for Dark And Darker Gold publishing abecedarian such as The Knight Witch by Super Mega Accretion and the Stealth alternation by Abuttals Studios.

Dark and Darker had exhausted been removed from Steam in March due to allegations from Nexon, accusing Ironmace of accoutrement in-game assets afterwards permission. The adventurous was delisted from Nexon’s slate afterwards the accusations, although Ironmace denied the claims and behest its appetence to acclimation on accepting the adventurous reinstated on Steam. In the meantime, players were audacious to use a torrent delivery in acclimation to accepting the game.

The implications of this new development on Aphotic and Darker’s accepting to Steam accepting uncertain. Steam may adjudge abut relisting the adventurous while Nexon pursues acclimatized activity abut Ironmace.

Game Developer has able out to Ironmace for abuse and will axle an acclimatize already a accepting is received.

Dark and Darker, the adventurous developed by Ironmace Studio, is set for a abruptness array today, accepting an advancing acclimatized activity with ambassador Nexon. However, abeyant buyers should be acquainted that buy Dark And Darker Gold the adventurous at this date is not acclimatized and comes with inherent risks. is the best C2C platform online games' shop, cheap, fast delivery, safe, professional services guaranteed! is the most reliable place to buy games service with decent prices and great purchasing experience!

Messages : 3
Inscription : 28 août 2022, 09:57

A whole lot of prisons to clean in MMOexp Diablo 4

#19 Message par Emilylowes »

Diablo 4 does not wander from the hack-and-lessen hobby the gathering is understood for, however improvement feels more liquid and dynamic because of the avoid skip. The avoid button feels more protected within the sequel than it did in Diablo 3. The player can reply to buy cheap Diablo IV Gold advantageous enemies' telegraphed assaults by way of the use of way of darting a protracted manner from them. Consistent with the developers, gamers can free up extra evasion alternatives, which encompass the capability to perform a couple of dodges concurrently, as they degree up.

Diablo 4's information tree has moreover grown. As any person who done all of the Diablo video games, that took a hint of turning into acclimated to. The available alternatives allow gamers to customise for specific playstyles, however they may now not confuse beginners. As a Savage, I want to zero in on double the usage of guns for quicker goes after that bargain more drain damage or go together with a -gave slicing weapon to play out a turning attack that permits me to lessen through tremendous gatherings of foes. But the fact that the tree resembled a buffet of assaults, there has been an tremendous judgment to everything, just like in previous Diablo video video video games.

Real to shape in a Diablo sport, there are a whole lot of prisons to clean in Diablo 4 Items. However, the game's emblem-new open international complicates the scenario similarly. As soon as I came for the duration of a cliff with a "climb down" choice that took me to three other a part of the map, i used to be amazed. is the best C2C platform online games' shop, cheap, fast delivery, safe, professional services guaranteed! is the most reliable place to buy games service with decent prices and great purchasing experience!

Messages : 4
Inscription : 28 oct. 2023, 07:48

Diablo 4 map that are considered extremely rare

#20 Message par MacMillanwu »

POE currency : The hardest challenge to unlock

There are many different systems included in Diablo 4. From classes, skill trees, and paragon glyphs, to enchantments, buffs, and legendary aspects, the number of things players have to keep track of - whether it's damage numbers or good old inventory space - can be overwhelming. Even if they get to the late game, more systems will be thrown at them. Thankfully, it's easy and not too damaging to ignore the less important parts when building a solid build.

Diablo 4's Challenge is one such less important system. These missions cover a wide range of gameplay operations. Some tasks are as simple as the player upgrading a healing potion or conquering a fortress for the first time. Others are much more difficult. While the new game's rewards aren't quite as enticing, completing these challenges also rewards a large amount of XP, which is even more valuable. The toughest challenges in the game require players to make a conscious effort to complete them and gain experience points.

Champion's Feat: Reach level 100 in Hardcore mode

What makes Diablo 4's Hardcore mode so "hardcore" is that it makes a simple change to the gameplay: when a player dies, that character dies permanently. There is no respawning, no reloading previous saves - the character and all of its accumulated abilities, gear, and experience are gone forever.

So it stands to reason that one of the toughest challenges for anyone in Diablo 4 is getting their character from the character creation screen to the game's highest level - level 100 - in hardcore mode. Reaching level 100 takes dozens of hours of gameplay, and doing so in a game mode where one mistake could mean starting from scratch is a truly impressive feat.

Enemies of Sanctuary: Get 100 PVP kills
An often overlooked element of Diablo 4's gameplay is the PVP mode. Players can pit their characters against each other in battle to see who is the strongest. The reason it's overlooked is that it ignores much of the core gameplay. Characters are generally not built for PVP and usually have two players standing face to face, unleashing an endless array of abilities, like Gandalf and Saruman in The Lord of the Rings.

To complete the Enemies of Sanctuary challenge, players need to kill 100 people in PVP. This isn't necessarily a hard total to reach, and players dedicated to the game's PVP may be able to hit 100 kills very quickly. But for most players, this challenge will require a break from much of Diablo 4's standard gameplay, and as a result, many won't even understand the requirements required to complete it.

Trophy Hunter: Kill all ultra-rare monsters in the open world
In addition to the elite monsters, a few monsters are roaming the Diablo 4 map that are considered "extremely rare." They can be found in specific areas of the game map, but there is no guarantee that they will spawn when the player walks through them.

To complete this challenge, players not only need to track down all 15 monsters, but also kill each one. They're still elite monsters, but they usually bring unique abilities that make them a more difficult opponent to deal with. The only upside is that they have a high chance of dropping legendary gear when defeated.

Participate in exciting missions, defeat powerful monsters, and exchange your Diablo 4 gold for valuable items. Earning coins in Diablo 4 requires dedication and hard work, as players must put in the time to complete missions, defeat opponents, and participate in various activities to earn the coveted coins. Making affordable Diablo 4 coins through allows players to optimize their gameplay and POE buy currency fully immerse themselves in a truly enjoyable adventure.

Messages : 4
Inscription : 28 oct. 2023, 07:48

Diablo 4 map that are considered extremely rare

#21 Message par MacMillanwu »

Diablo IV Gold : The hardest challenge to unlock

There are many different systems included in Diablo 4. From classes, skill trees, and paragon glyphs, to enchantments, buffs, and legendary aspects, the number of things players have to keep track of - whether it's damage numbers or good old inventory space - can be overwhelming. Even if they get to the late game, more systems will be thrown at them. Thankfully, it's easy and not too damaging to ignore the less important parts when building a solid build.

Diablo 4's Challenge is one such less important system. These missions cover a wide range of gameplay operations. Some tasks are as simple as the player upgrading a healing potion or conquering a fortress for the first time. Others are much more difficult. While the new game's rewards aren't quite as enticing, completing these challenges also rewards a large amount of XP, which is even more valuable. The toughest challenges in the game require players to make a conscious effort to complete them and gain experience points.

Champion's Feat: Reach level 100 in Hardcore mode

What makes Diablo 4's Hardcore mode so "hardcore" is that it makes a simple change to the gameplay: when a player dies, that character dies permanently. There is no respawning, no reloading previous saves - the character and all of its accumulated abilities, gear, and experience are gone forever.

So it stands to reason that one of the toughest challenges for anyone in Diablo 4 is getting their character from the character creation screen to the game's highest level - level 100 - in hardcore mode. Reaching level 100 takes dozens of hours of gameplay, and doing so in a game mode where one mistake could mean starting from scratch is a truly impressive feat.

Enemies of Sanctuary: Get 100 PVP kills
An often overlooked element of Diablo 4's gameplay is the PVP mode. Players can pit their characters against each other in battle to see who is the strongest. The reason it's overlooked is that it ignores much of the core gameplay. Characters are generally not built for PVP and usually have two players standing face to face, unleashing an endless array of abilities, like Gandalf and Saruman in The Lord of the Rings.

To complete the Enemies of Sanctuary challenge, players need to kill 100 people in PVP. This isn't necessarily a hard total to reach, and players dedicated to the game's PVP may be able to hit 100 kills very quickly. But for most players, this challenge will require a break from much of Diablo 4's standard gameplay, and as a result, many won't even understand the requirements required to complete it.

Trophy Hunter: Kill all ultra-rare monsters in the open world
In addition to the elite monsters, a few monsters are roaming the Diablo 4 map that are considered "extremely rare." They can be found in specific areas of the game map, but there is no guarantee that they will spawn when the player walks through them.

To complete this challenge, players not only need to track down all 15 monsters, but also kill each one. They're still elite monsters, but they usually bring unique abilities that make them a more difficult opponent to deal with. The only upside is that they have a high chance of dropping legendary gear when defeated.

Participate in exciting missions, defeat powerful monsters, and exchange your Diablo 4 gold for valuable items. Earning coins in Diablo 4 requires dedication and hard work, as players must put in the time to complete missions, defeat opponents, and participate in various activities to earn the coveted coins. Making affordable Diablo 4 coins through allows players to optimize their gameplay and Diablo 4 Gold fully immerse themselves in a truly enjoyable adventure.

Messages : 6
Inscription : 30 août 2023, 10:08

Lautaro Martinez Takes Center Stage in a Stellar Lineup

#22 Message par haoxiuyun »

The virtual football world is buzzing with excitement as EA FC 24 unveils its Team of The Week 17 (FC 24 TOTW 17). Leading this illustrious lineup is the formidable Lautaro Martinez, joined by other luminaries like Frenkie De Jong, Theo Hernandez, and Ivan Martin. For those new to the scene, the FC 24 Team of The Week, or FC 24 TOTW, is a weekly celebration of Fut 24 Coins outstanding football performances worldwide.

Lautaro Martinez: The Crown Jewel of FC 24 TOTW 17:
At the forefront of Team of The Week 17 stands Lautaro Martinez, a force to be reckoned with on the virtual pitch. This section dissects Martinez's exceptional contributions, analyzing the moments that earned him the spotlight. From goal-scoring prowess to strategic brilliance, Martinez's virtual avatar has left an indelible mark on FC 24 TOTW 17.

Notable Names in the Lineup:
While Martinez commands attention, the FC 24 TOTW 17 boasts an ensemble of talent that elevates the virtual football experience. Frenkie De Jong, Theo Hernandez, and Ivan Martin are among the notable names securing spots in this distinguished lineup. The article sheds light on their standout performances, showcasing the diverse skills that earned them recognition.

Understanding the FC 24 Team of The Week Program:
For newcomers to the EA FC 24 universe, the Team of The Week program is a weekly celebration that acknowledges outstanding football performances across the globe. This segment explains the selection process, emphasizing that players are chosen based on their recent real-world performances. The virtual replication of their skills adds an immersive layer to the gaming experience.

Selection Criteria and Performance Metrics:
The article delves into the criteria used to select players for the FC 24 TOTW, offering insights into the performance metrics that influence the choices. From game-changing goals to exceptional defensive plays, the virtual spotlight shines on players who have truly distinguished themselves in the preceding week.

Fan Reactions and Community Engagement:
The release of each FC 24 TOTW sparks discussions, debates, and celebrations within the gaming community. This section explores fan reactions, social media buzz, and community engagement surrounding Team of The Week 17. The collective enthusiasm and diverse opinions contribute to the dynamic tapestry of the virtual football landscape.

Impact on Virtual Team Building:
For avid gamers, the FC 24 TOTW is more than just a recognition ceremony—it's an opportunity to enhance their virtual rosters. This segment explores the impact of TOTW releases on virtual team building, examining how the inclusion of standout players can reshape strategies and elevate gaming experiences.

Looking Forward:
As Team of The Week 17 takes its place in the annals of virtual football history, the article concludes with a forward-looking perspective. What can gamers anticipate in future TOTW releases, and how will the virtual football landscape evolve with each passing week? The excitement lingers as fans eagerly await the next chapter in the FC 24 TOTW saga.

EA FC 24's Team of The Week 17 is a testament to the game's commitment to celebrating excellence in virtual football. Lautaro Martinez and his fellow standouts have left an indelible mark, captivating gamers and fueling the anticipation for future TOTW releases. As the virtual football season unfolds, the FC 24 TOTW program continues to cheap FCUT 24 Coins be a dynamic and integral part of the gaming experience, celebrating the best performances across the globe.

Messages : 6
Inscription : 30 août 2023, 10:08

Madden 24': Is the 88+ Playoff Player Special Offer Worth the Gamble?

#23 Message par haoxiuyun »

Madden 24 has experienced its fair share of highs and lows, and the gaming community is abuzz with Mut 24 coins the latest revelation—the House Rules glitch. Alongside this intriguing development, a tempting offer has surfaced: the 88+ Playoff Player Special.

The House Rules Glitch Unveiled:
The House Rules glitch has sent shockwaves through the Madden 24 community, leaving players questioning the integrity of the game. This section explores the nature of the glitch, how it was discovered, and the impact it has on the gaming experience. From unexpected advantages to potential pitfalls, understanding the glitch is crucial before delving into any in-game purchases.

The 88+ Playoff Player Special Offer:
As the House Rules glitch unfolds, Madden 24 introduces the 88+ Playoff Player Special Offer—a tantalizing proposition for gamers seeking to bolster their rosters. This segment delves into the details of the offer, examining the guaranteed perks, the odds of landing an elite player, and the potential rewards that await those who take the plunge.

Pros and Cons of the Special Offer:
Before making a decision, players must weigh the pros and cons of the 88+ Playoff Player Special Offer. On one hand, the allure of acquiring high-rated playoff players can significantly enhance a team's performance. On the other hand, the glitch's impact on gameplay raises concerns about the fairness and integrity of the virtual gridiron. This section provides an unbiased analysis, helping players make an informed decision.

Community Reactions:
The Madden community is a vibrant tapestry of opinions, and the House Rules glitch and the 88+ Playoff Player Special Offer have ignited discussions across forums and social media. This article explores the diverse reactions within the community, from excitement and anticipation to skepticism and frustration. Understanding how players are navigating these developments adds depth to the overall gaming narrative.

Navigating the Glitch and Special Offer:
For players caught in the crossfire of the House Rules glitch and enticed by the 88+ Playoff Player Special Offer, strategic navigation is key. This segment offers practical advice on how to navigate the glitch responsibly, make informed decisions regarding the special offer, and maintain a positive gaming experience amidst the evolving landscape of Madden 24.

The Future of Madden 24:
As the House Rules glitch is addressed by developers and the 88+ Playoff Player Special Offer continues to shape team dynamics, the article concludes with a reflection on the future of Madden 24. Will these developments leave a lasting impact on the gaming community, or will they be remembered as transient glitches in an otherwise stellar gaming experience? Only time will tell as Madden 24's narrative unfolds.

Madden 24's House Rules glitch and the 88+ Playoff Player Special Offer add layers of complexity to the gaming experience, posing challenges and cheap madden 24 coins opportunities for players. As the community grapples with these developments, it's essential to navigate the virtual gridiron with a balance of excitement, caution, and a commitment to fair play. The journey through Madden 24 continues, offering both surprises and lessons for gamers around the world.

Messages : 6
Inscription : 30 août 2023, 10:08

Dark & Darker's Game-Changing Hotfix: Warlock in Plate Armor?

#24 Message par haoxiuyun »

Dark & Darker, the immersive and ever-evolving gaming sensation, has recently undergone a significant transformation with Dark And Darker Gold a massive hotfix. This update has sent shockwaves through the gaming community, teasing players with the unexpected possibility of a Warlock donning plate armor.

The Hotfix Unveiled:
The core of the article focuses on the hotfix that has turned heads and sparked intense discussions within the Dark & Darker community. The unexpected revelation of Warlocks, traditionally cloth-wearing magic users, now having the option to equip plate armor introduces a paradigm shift. Readers are introduced to the key aspects of the hotfix and the specific changes that have reshaped the gaming landscape.

Warlock in Plate Armor: Breaking the Mold:
One of the most intriguing aspects of the hotfix is the introduction of Warlocks wearing plate armor—a stark departure from the established norms. This section examines the implications of this groundbreaking change, exploring how it challenges traditional class roles and opens up new possibilities for Warlock players. The newfound versatility in gear choices promises a fresh and exciting gameplay experience for Dark & Darker enthusiasts.

Patch Notes Highlights:
The article delves into the highlights of the latest patch notes, showcasing the range of adjustments, additions, and improvements introduced by the developers. From class-specific changes to general enhancements, players gain insights into how the hotfix aims to refine and elevate the overall gaming experience. The article also explores the rationale behind the changes, providing context for players to better understand the developers' intentions.

Community Responses and Discussions:
In the aftermath of any major update, the gaming community becomes a vibrant hub of reactions and discussions. This section explores the diverse responses to the hotfix within the Dark & Darker community. From excitement and anticipation to concerns and debates about balance, players' voices contribute to the ongoing narrative of Dark & Darker's evolution.

Impact on Class Dynamics:
The hotfix not only introduces Warlocks in plate armor but also has broader implications for class dynamics within Dark & Darker. This part of the article analyzes how the changes affect the balance of power between classes, fostering new strategies and playstyles. The newfound flexibility in character customization adds depth to the gameplay, offering players more agency in defining their characters.

Strategies and Builds:
With the hotfix paving the way for unconventional class configurations, players are presented with opportunities to explore innovative strategies and builds. This section explores potential Warlock in plate armor builds, examining the synergies and advantages that can be harnessed. The article encourages players to experiment and adapt their playstyles, ushering in a new era of creativity within Dark & Darker.

Looking Ahead:
As Dark & Darker continues to evolve, the article concludes with a forward-looking perspective. What does the hotfix mean for the future of the game? Will we see further class-specific changes or unexpected shifts in gameplay dynamics? The anticipation builds as players navigate the post-hotfix landscape, eager to uncover the next chapter in Dark & Darker's unfolding saga.

Dark & Darker's latest hotfix, with its groundbreaking introduction of Warlocks in plate armor, has injected a renewed sense of excitement into Dark And Darker Gold Coins the gaming community. As players adapt to the changes and explore new possibilities, the hotfix exemplifies the dynamic nature of Dark & Darker's development. With the promise of continued updates and refinements, players can anticipate an ever-evolving and immersive gaming experience in the world of Dark & Darker.

Messages : 4
Inscription : 22 janv. 2024, 15:53

Re: Jeux Vidéos / Gaming

#25 Message par ciao2024 »

Dernièrement, je suis avec un grand intérêt le débat sur l'évolution du gaming, en particulier en ce qui concerne son avenir lié à la blockchain. L'idée que le gaming puisse se tourner vers cette technologie est fascinante, surtout pour les potentiels de sécurité, de transparence et d'innovation que la blockchain peut offrir. Quel impact pensez-vous que la blockchain aura sur le monde des jeux vidéo ? Croyez-vous qu'elle puisse révolutionner la façon dont nous jouons et interagissons avec les jeux ?

Pour ceux qui sont également intéressés par ces thèmes et par les e-sports, j'ai trouvé une ressource en ligne très utile qui fournit un guide et avis complet sur 1xBet Cameroun. Cela pourrait être intéressant pour ceux qui souhaitent explorer les nouvelles frontières, dans un contexte de plus en plus technologique.

Je suis curieux d'entendre vos opinions sur l'intégration de la blockchain dans le gaming et comment vous pensez qu'elle pourrait modeler l'avenir de ce secteur.
