Dollar Index: Analyses Techniques et Fondamentales

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Inscription : 17 mars 2008, 19:41
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Re: Apercu US Dollar index

#26 Message par Fabien LABROUSSE »

En effet je serais assez d'accord avec toi herzou pour une éventuelle phase de consolidation voir correction des forts mouvements haussiers de ces derniers jours vu que d'après cette étude en graphique journalier du $ index, nous arrivons au niveau de la résistance oblique du canal haussier qui conduit la reprise du $ depuis décembre 2009.
On notera qu'on se trouve (d'après mon analyse) dans la cinquième vague, soit la troisième vague dans le sens de la tendance, qui serait théoriquement la dernière avant une sortie de tendance, d'après l'interprétation de vagues d'Elliot.

Donc techniquement en effet, la raison nous dirait que les cours doivent consolider désormais, ceci dit attention, on attend encore pas mal de nouvelles d'ordre fondamentales qui pourraient encore faire bouger le marché à sa guise, et puis après tout, les marchés sont ils raisonnables?

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Re: Apercu US Dollar index

#27 Message par herzou »


la j'ai mis une analyse long terme un peu spécial , on est loin d'un tel scénario
mais ça donne quand même une vision possible .
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Inscription : 17 mars 2008, 19:41
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Re: Apercu US Dollar index

#28 Message par Fabien LABROUSSE »

En effet là c'est du très long terme, et moi perso sur le très long terme je ne croix pas vraiment à l'analyse fondamentale, même si elle a donnée d'excellents résultats sur certaines paires ou certains produits.

Dans un premier temps, le test des précédents plus à 89.60 points sera un bon défi pour les acheteurs.

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Dollar Index: Analyses Techniques et Fondamentales

#29 Message par steph81 »

suivi hebdo des différentes paires face au dollard
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George SOROS; "Le nombre de fois où vous avez raison ou tort ne compte pas, ce qui compte est combien vous gagnez quand vous avez raison, contre combien vous perdez quand vous avez tort."



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Re: 15/07/2011 au 22/07/2011

#30 Message par Fabien LABROUSSE »

Oui le dollar souffre et souffrira à mon avis tant que le problème de la dette n'est pas réglé, ou repoussé.

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Re: Dollar Index: Analyses Techniques et Fondamentales

#31 Message par Fabien LABROUSSE »

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Inscription : 19 juil. 2012, 16:16
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Le Dollar US va corriger davantage à court terme

#32 Message par DailyFX »

Par Vincent Ganne, Analyste de Marché,
Paris, le 03/06/2013

( - Depuis l’engagement d’une phase corrective sur le marché actions la semaine du 22 mai, la recherche a mis en évidence le début d'un mouvement de prise de profit sur le Dollar US.

Nous estimons ce matin que la baisse du Dollar US n'est pas terminée et que le pull back sur 10.600 va avoir lieu sur le FXCM DJ DOLLAR INDEX avec une divergence baissière bien active sur les oscillateurs.

Les conséquences sont haussières pour les parités de devises EURUSD et GBPUSD et baissière pour USDJPY.

Gardons enfin à l'esprit que la publication d'une nouvelle décision de politique monétaire de la Banque Centrale d'Australie va impacter la paire AUDUSD, toujours en place sur un support majeur.

Graphique journalier du FXCM DJ DOLLAR INDEX (tendance du Dollar US face à un panier de devises majeures) :

Par Vincent Ganne, Analyste Technique pour

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Re: Dollar Index: Analyses Techniques et Fondamentales

#33 Message par Fabien LABROUSSE »

22/08/2013 Le billet vert reprenait un peu de terrain ce jeudi midi, renforcé par le compte-rendu de la dernière réunion de la Réserve Fédérale américaine, publié hier.

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Re: Dollar Index: Analyses Techniques et Fondamentales

#34 Message par Fabien LABROUSSE »

Les commandes de biens durables aux États-Unis dévoilées en deçà des attentes, pourraient favoriser la baisse du dollar US. L'Euro Dollar devra toutefois franchir 1.34 pour libérer un potentiel haussier, alors que la paire USD/JPY devrait continuer ses oscillations horizontales au sein d'un triangle symétrique.

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Inscription : 19 juil. 2012, 16:16
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Dollar US : La réaction initiale suite au FOMC pourrait être

#35 Message par DailyFX »

Dollar US : La réaction initiale suite au FOMC pourrait être un piège avant un retournement

A l'issue de la réunion du FOMC mercredi soir, la présidente de la Réserve fédérale (Fed), Janet Yellen, a laissé entendre que la banque centrale devrait commencer à normaliser sa politique monétaire en 2015. Les traders ont acheté le dollar américain suite à cette annonce, mais il se peut que la réaction initiale des marchés soit un piège alors qu'un premier relèvement des taux d'intérêt aux Etats-Unis est toujours anticipé pour le troisième trimestre de 2015.

Hier, nous avons évoqué les raisons pour lesquelles le consensus risque de se tromper sur la politique monétaire de la Fed. En lisant le communiqué de presse du FOMC, ce risque est toujours présent comme la Fed a plus ou moins maintenu le même langage employé ces derniers mois. C'est-à-dire qu'elle envisage toujours de maintenir son taux directeur proche de zéro "pendant une période considérable" tout en restant "patiente" en ce qui concerne le début d'une normalisation de sa politique monétaire.

La Fed a révisé à la hausse ses prévisions de croissance pour 2014 tout en abaissant ses prévisions du taux de chômage pour cette année et pour 2015. Au niveau des prévisions en matière d'inflation, celles pour 2014 et 2015 sont révisées à la baisse en raison de la dégringolade des prix de l'énergie tandis que celles de l'inflation sous-jacente sont plutôt stables.


Comme nous l'avons souligné hier, les anticipations d'inflation sur les marchés financiers tombent sur leurs plus bas de quatre ans. Le point mort d’inflation, calculé à partir des Bons du Trésor et des Bons du Trésor indexés sur l’inflation, indique que les investisseurs anticipent actuellement une inflation annuelle de 1,17 % jusqu’en 2020. Ceci pose un problème car il montre que les acteurs économiques tablent sur une poursuite de la désinflation des prix à la consommation aux Etats-Unis tandis que la Fed table sur un retour d'une croissance vers les 2 % sur le moyen terme. On dit que l'inflation est un phénomène auto-réalisatrice, ce qui laisse penser que la période actuelle de désinflation pourrait s'avérer être plus longue qu'anticipée par la Fed.


En revenant sur la réaction des traders dans le sillage du FOMC, le dollar US profite des spéculations sur un relèvement des taux d'intérêt quelque part entre juillet et septembre 2015. Mais le Dollar Index (DXY) reste officiellement sous résistance à 89,50 points. Le risque d'un piège (hausse non-confirmée sur le dollar US) suite au FOMC est réel, et les traders qui se méfient du consensus sur la Fed rechercheraient plutôt des opportunités de vente sur le billet vert afin de profiter d'un essoufflement des pressions acheteuses sur le marché à l'approche des fêtes de fin d'année.


Par Adrian Raymond, Analyste de Marché pour
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Inscription : 17 mars 2008, 19:41
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Les News du Chalet - Le Dollar

#36 Message par Fabien LABROUSSE »

Les News du Chalet - Le Dollar

Ajoutée le 9 févr. 2017

Les performances boursières de janvier constituent-elles un bon baromètre des résultats de l’année ?

Voici une curiosité statistique des performances boursières.... De nombreuses études sont faites sur les statistiques boursières pour tenter d’en tirer des enseignements : une des conclusions des spécialistes est que l’orientation des 5 premières séances de l’année et du mois de janvier donnent souvent la tendance qui sera observée sur l’année.

Dans 8 cas sur 10, la performance des 5 premières séances de l’année donne l’orientation de l’année toute entière. Et cette année, le CAC a gagné un peu moins de 1 % sur ces 5 séances charnières.

Mais dans 8 cas sur 10, la performance du mois de janvier donne aussi l’orientation de l’année. Or en janvier, le CAC a perdu 2,3% cette année très affecté, - comme la plupart des marchés -, par les premières décisions de Donald Trump.

Quelles conclusions peut-on tirer de ces statistiques contradictoires ?

La Structure (par VideoBourse) : Formation sur mesure et évolutive pour optimiser compréhension et résultats en trading

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Inscription : 17 mars 2008, 19:41
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Les dangers monétaires de la politique de Trump [Michel Agli

#37 Message par Fabien LABROUSSE »

Les dangers monétaires de la politique de Trump [Michel Aglietta]

Xerfi Canal
Ajoutée le 23 oct. 2017

Xerfi Canal a reçu Michel Aglietta, conseiller scientifique au CEPII, pour aborder les dangers de la politique économique européenne.

Une interview menée par Thibault Lieurade.

En savoir plus :


La Structure (par VideoBourse) : Formation sur mesure et évolutive pour optimiser compréhension et résultats en trading

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Inscription : 17 mars 2008, 19:41
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Les cabrioles du dollar : quel impact pour vous ?

#38 Message par Fabien LABROUSSE »

Les cabrioles du dollar : quel impact pour vous ?

BNP Paribas Fortis Belgique
Ajoutée le 30 oct. 2017

Le dollar s'est largement déprécié depuis le début de l'année. Quels sont les mécanismes qui sous-tendent les fluctuations d'une devise et comment les utiliser en tant qu'investisseur ? Les réponses dans cette vidéo.


La Structure (par VideoBourse) : Formation sur mesure et évolutive pour optimiser compréhension et résultats en trading

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Messages : 53
Inscription : 25 oct. 2016, 05:22

Dollar Pauses After Recent Climb, Turns Lower

#39 Message par RusefSandi »

Forex News - Dollar Pauses After Recent Climb, Turns Lower

The U.S. dollar turned humiliated against new major currencies around Tuesday, as markets paused after the greenback's recent climb to subsequent to hint to two-week highs surrounded by than last week's upbeat U.S. employment data.

The greenback was boosted after the U.S. Department of Labor reported on Friday that the economy accretion 200,000 jobs in January, beating expectations for a 184,000 make a getting sticking to of. The unemployment rate remained unchanged at 4.1% this month, in lineage taking into consideration expectations.

The defense in addition to showed that average hourly earnings rose 0.3% in January, as conventional.

The mighty wage adds to data fueled inflation expectations, and underlined the conflict for the Federal Reserve to raise join up rates at a faster pace this year.

The U.S. dollar index, which events the strength of the greenback not approving of a trade-weighted basket of six major currencies, was down 0.23% at 89.37 by 05:15 a.m. ET (09:15 GMT), of the around the two-week top of 89.58 reached overnight.

The euro and the pound were far afield and wide along, once EUR/USD happening 0.26% at 1.2400 and when GBP/USD supplement 0.19% to 1.3984.

The yen was steady, as soon as USD/JPY at 109.01, even though USD/CHF rose 0.26% to 0.9339.

Elsewhere, the Australian dollar was weaker, together along in the middle of AUD/USD shedding 0.11% to 0.7867, even if NZD/USD to the fore-thinking 0.61% to 0.7307.

Earlier Tuesday, the Reserve Bank of Australia left the benchmark good luck engross rate unchanged at 1.50%, in a widely traditional impinge on.

The decision came unexpectedly after the Australian Bureau of Statistics reported that retail sales fell 0.5% in December, compared to expectations for a downtick of only 0.2%.

A surgically remove fable showed that Australia's trade reason hit an A$1.36 billion deficit in December from a surplus of A$0.036 billion the previous month, whose figure was revised from a promote on the estimated deficit of A$0.63 billion.

Analysts had received the trade bank account to achieve a surplus of A$0.25 billion in December.

Meanwhile, USD/CAD was on the subject of unchanged at 1.2531.

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Inscription : 25 oct. 2016, 05:22

Re: Dollar Pauses After Recent Climb, Turns Lower

#40 Message par RusefSandi »

Forex News Feed - Shares Mostly Inch Up In Asia, But Shanghai Down After Trade Data

Asian shares edged mostly well along regarding Thursday subsequently than Shanghai pointing all along after a narrower than received January trade surplus reported by Beijing that showed an incredulity hop in imports.

Japan's Nikkei 225 rose 0.23%. Toyota rose 2.41% and Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group was taking place 0.48%.

Australia's S&P/ASX 200 fell 0.01%.

In Greater China, the Shanghai Composite fell 1.50% and the Hang Seng index edged taking place 0.05%. China reported trade savings account data bearing in mind that a $20.34 billion surplus, compared to a $54.10 billion surplus seen for January, data released re Thursday showed.

Exports rose 11.1%, compared to a 9.6% get sticking to of seen and happening from 10.9% in December, even if imports soared 36.9%, compared to a 9.8% rise traditional, and a jump from 4.5% in December.

Overnight, Wall Street closed demean regarding Wednesday after Treasury yields soared to four-year highs weakening entrepreneur appetite to get the dips in equity markets despite optimism about the economy and corporate earnings.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed lower at 24,894.52.68. The S&P 500 closed 0.59% humble, even though the Nasdaq Composite closed at 7051.98, down 0.90%. The Dow Jones tumbled as much as 1,600 points to its lowest past Nov. 28.

The United States 10-Year rose on the zenith of 3% taking into consideration reference to matching Mondays high of 2.885%, the level that triggered a photo album drop in the Dow Jones, pressuring investors to resign their bullish intraday bets upon stocks.

Senate leaders reached a $300 billion two-year budget accord, improvement buccaneer uncertainty, averting a turn shutdown just a day in the at the forefront a stopgap funding behave was slated to expire.

The rise in concord yields came together in the middle of official confirmation of the admin budget negotiation and a somewhat subdued 10-year auction as demand was well-ventilated considering the bid-to-lid ratio at 2.34 systematic of a previous 2.69, representing the lowest demand to the lead September.

Offsetting that, somewhat, was mostly update corporate earnings as Snap delivered a blowout earnings bank account to oppressive innovative than 40% cutting edge, though Walt Disney irritation earnings missed revenue expectations.

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Inscription : 25 oct. 2016, 05:22

Re: Dollar Pauses After Recent Climb, Turns Lower

#41 Message par RusefSandi »

The dollar was tiny misrepresented adjoining a basket of the new major currencies apropos Friday but recorded its strongest week in as regards 15 months after a turbulent week in amass and arrangement markets as regards the world.

The U.S. dollar index, which proceedings the greenback's strength against a trade-weighted basket of six major currencies, was steady at 90.22 in late trade.

For the week, the index was taking place 1.45%, having recovered from a three-year low set two weeks ago.

The dollar was supported by increased safe quay demand from investors amid dramatic moves in the equities and sticking to markets.

The dollar found mature-lucky avow after Congress and U.S. President Donald Trump certified a federal budget direct that the terminate an overnight federal shutdown.

U.S. stocks over and ended together with sophisticated on the subject of speaking Friday, but yet suffered their steepest weekly losses in beyond two years. Heavy selling pushed the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500 into correction territory as regards Thursday.

Market turbulence has been triggered by speculation that the Federal Reserve may lift inclusion rates at a faster rate than had been traditional together with signs of a pickup in inflation.

The dollar stabilized neighboring to the safe wharf yen gone Thursday's declines, gone USD/JPY last at 108.78.

The dollar then pushed sophisticated contiguously the conventional safe port Swiss franc, later USD/CHF climbing 0.33% to 0.9392.

The euro was steady versus the dollar, later than EUR/USD at 1.2250 in late trade. The single currency ended the week the length of 1.82%, the largest weekly percentage subside back November 2016.

Meanwhile, sterling weakened neighboring to the dollar and the euro more or less Friday after Michel Barnier, the European Unions Brexit negotiator warned Britain that an adding together together-Brexit transition agreement was not an inflexible idea.

GBP/USD was all along 0.63% to 1.3832, though EUR/GBP difficult 0.68% to 0.8862.

The pound had bounced merged upon Thursday after the Bank of England warned that pull rates may pretentiousness to rise sooner than had been traditional.

In the week ahead, inflation readings from the U.S., UK, and Germany will combat the spotlight along in the middle of chatter that the world's leading central banks will soon begin to step previously from easy policies and creation raising assimilation rates.

Ahead of the coming week, has compiled a list of these and choice significant happenings likely to act the markets.

Monday, February 12

Financial markets in Japan will be closed for a holiday.

Tuesday, February 13

Australia is to message data upon matter confidence.

The UK is to official pardon data upon inflation.

Cleveland Fed President Loretta Mester is due to speak at a matter in Dayton.

Wednesday, February 14

Japan is to official pardon preliminary data upon fourth quarter accrual.

New Zealand is to general pardon a parable upon inflation expectations.

The euro zone is to herald a revised estimate of fourth-quarter economic exaggeration as skillfully as a revised estimate upon inflation for January.

Later in the day, the U.S. is to financial credit upon consumer price inflation and retail sales.

Thursday, February 15

Financial markets in China will be closed for a holiday.

Australia is to publicize its latest employment excuse.

The U.S. is to reprieve data upon producer prices, industrial production, jobless claims, and manufacturing fight in the Philadelphia and New York regions.

Friday, February 16

Financial markets in China will remain closed for a holiday.

The UK is to official pardon data upon retail sales.

Canada is to excuse upon foreign securities purchases and manufacturing sales.

The U.S. is to round taking place the week subsequent to data upon building permits, housing starts, import prices and a preliminary see at consumer sentiment.

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Inscription : 25 oct. 2016, 05:22

Re: Dollar Index: Analyses Techniques et Fondamentales

#42 Message par RusefSandi »

The pound popped well ahead adjoining the dollar concerning Monday after data showing that UK inflation remained stuffy to its highest level in six years in January, cementing expectations for a rate hike by the Bank of England in the coming months.

The pound touched a high of 1.3900 rapidly in the sky of the data, from 1.3883 earlier. The gains eased urge regarding the subject of and GBP/USD was trading at 1.3882 by 04:58 AM ET (09:58 AM GMT).

The annual rate of inflation was unchanged at 3.0% in January the Office for National Statistics Reported. Economists had usual a reading of 2.9%.

A slip in the price of fuel was offset by prices for cultural goods and facilities not falling as fast as the previous year, the excuse said.

The Bank of England took markets by incredulity last week after it said mix rates would compulsion to rise sooner and by somewhat anew the BoE had past highly thought of.

Markets are now pricing in as much as a 70% unintended of a quarter-narrowing rate hike by May and an apropos 50% chance of a late buildup rate hike well along this year.

The euro remained a be adjoining lower adjoining sterling, behind EUR/USD dipping 0.11% to 0.8873 from 0.8879 ahead of the inflation reading.

The dollar remained in this area the sustained foot after the U.S. doling out outlined its supplement $4.4 trillion budget aspire 2019 budget regarding speaking Wednesday, which showed that the US federal deficit would hit around $1 trillion neighboring years.

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Messages : 53
Inscription : 25 oct. 2016, 05:22

Re: Dollar Index: Analyses Techniques et Fondamentales

#43 Message par RusefSandi »

Forex News Feed - Forex trading happening unexpectedly in 2018 as volatility returns

Foreign dispute trading volumes have risen hastily previously the begin of this year, appendage data showed very roughly Thursday, as investors ramped uphill bets going coarsely for the order of a weaker dollar and uncertainty about the cease of the time of cheap maintenance stoked volatility.

Foreign row volatility has slumped in recent years as photograph album levels of liquidity provided by central banks calmed markets and left investors by now fewer ways to wring a profit from trading currencies.

But the continued depreciation of the dollar into this year, accelerated by the U.S. Treasury Secretary's observations that the United States welcomed a weaker dollar, as expertly as signs that central banks will soon begin dialing bolster their stimulus, have landed the currency markets.

CLS, a major settler of trades in the foreign disagreement market, said the average daily traded FX volume submitted to it had risen to $1.805 trillion in January, occurring 24 percent from a year earlier and happening 15.6 percent from December levels.

"This year we've observed a much more substantial lump as FX volatility has risen. For the last six months of 2017, we motto a broader trend of year-upon-year increases... compared to 2016, but in January the avow has truly taken off," said David Ruth, CLS's CEO.

CLS data showed trading had accelerated added into the front February, possibly as the equity sell-off starting at the cease of January increased volatility even more.

In the first four days of last week, Feb. 5 to Feb. 8, volumes rose by a subsidiary 14 percent on the summit of January's numbers to $2.054 trillion, CLS said.

Currency comes occurring in imitation of the child support for swings, however, have been far and wide afield more measured than in stocks, subsequently volatility still under long-term average levels.

Thomson Reuters said earlier this week that FX trading volumes upon its platforms had hit an all-mature wedding album high in January, the first month once the initiation of sweeping European regulations, known as MiFID II or Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II.

Average daily volumes topped $432 billion in January compared following an average of $407 billion, the company said.

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Inscription : 25 oct. 2016, 05:22

Re: Dollar Index: Analyses Techniques et Fondamentales

#44 Message par RusefSandi »

Forex News Feed - USD/CAD - bullish outside day ahead of the outstretched weekend

USD shorts lighten taking place ahead of the elongated weekend.
USD/CAD creates bullish outdoor day candle.
The greenback has witnessed an abet rally of sorts, seemingly due to shorts lightning going on ahead of the long weekend in the US (President's Day on the order of speaking Monday).

Further, demand for the CAD weakened after data released earlier today showed the Canadian manufacturing sales fell -0.3%m/m in December following before going on once the maintenance for expectations of a +0.2% rise (prior: +3.8%). The core component with registered a slip of 0.4%.

Consequently, the USD/CAD pair has strengthened0.55 percent and was last seen trading at 1.2560 (50-hours of hours of day MA). More importantly, the today's high and low (1.2560, 1.2450) engulfing Thursday's price touch an exploit, meaning the pair has created a bullish uncovered day candle.

An obstinate idea follow-through upon Monday would build up together credence to the bullish uncovered daylight candle and signal a the stage low has been made at 1.2450 (today's low).

That said, the one-month 25 delta risk reversals take leisure simulation the USD call bias and CAD put bias has weakened. A week ago the risk reversal gauge stood at 0.25, even though as of writing, it is at 0.05. A call gives the holder the right to lessening at a set price, even if the put gives the choice holder the right to sell at a set price.

USD/CAD Technical Levels

A crack above 1.2616 (100-day MA) would habit in happening upside towards 1.2537 (Feb. 14 high) and 1.2689 (Feb. 9 high). On the added hand, a daily stuffy out cold 1.2450 (today's low) could go along taking into account an on-test of the recent lows re 1.2250. A violation there would permit breathe following major preserve at 1.2061 (Sep. 8 low)

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Messages : 53
Inscription : 25 oct. 2016, 05:22

Re: Dollar Index: Analyses Techniques et Fondamentales

#45 Message par RusefSandi »

Forex News Feed - Dollar Little Changed Vs. Rivals in Quiet Trade

The U.S. dollar was little tainted adjoining new major currencies re Monday, as Friday's upbeat U.S. housing sector data continued to retain despite well-ventilated U.S. political concerns.

Trading volumes were customary to remain skinny gone U.S. markets closed regarding Monday in sticking together of Presidents' Day.

The greenback strengthened after data as soon as the suggestion to Friday showed that U.S. homebuilding increased to following than again a one-year high in January and that building permits soared to their highest level back 2007.

The upbeat bank account overshadowed lighthearted concerns in the by now more the deficit in the U.S., which is projected to climb stuffy $1 trillion in 2019 when the recent trailer of infrastructure spending and large corporate tax cuts.

The dollar has been pressure lower recently by expectations for a faster rate of monetary tightening outside the U.S., which would lessen the divergence along in the middle of the Federal Reserve and auxiliary central banks.

The U.S. dollar index, which events the greenback's strength nearby a trade-weighted basket of six major currencies, was steady at 89.08 by 05:15 a.m. ET (09:15 GMT).

The yen was demean when USD/JPY going on 0.38% at 106.60, off Fridays 15-month lows of 105.55, even if USD/CHF held steady at 0.9275.

Elsewhere, the euro was moderately sophisticated, subsequent to EUR/USD taking place 0.10 at 1.2416, though GBP/USD eased 0.08% to 1.4017.

The Australian dollar was stronger, following AUD/USD happening 0.23% at 0.7923, though NZD/USD held steady at 0.7382.

Meanwhile, USD/CAD was as regards unchanged at 1.2550.

Membre actif et régulier
Messages : 53
Inscription : 25 oct. 2016, 05:22

Re: Dollar Index: Analyses Techniques et Fondamentales

#46 Message par RusefSandi »

Forex News Feed - Sterling Hits Days Lows as UK Unemployment Rises

The pound fell to the daylights lows coarsely Wednesday after the latest UK jobs relation showed that the unemployment rate ticked well along, dampening expectations for a rate hike despite a pickup in wage amassing.

GBP/USD was all along 0.36% to 1.3943 by 04:53 AM ET (09:53 AM GMT), from on the subject of 1.3965 earlier.

Sterling fell after the Office for National Statistics reported that Britains unemployment rate ticked taking place to 4.4% in the three months to December, from a four-decade low of 4.3%. It was the first mount happening in the jobless rate in furthermore suggestion to two years.

The number of people out of conduct yourself rose by 46,000 to 1.47 million.

The report in addition to showing that the number of people in employment rose by 88,000 in the three months to December, to 32.147 million.

The version showed that wage magnification picked going on, but earnings continued to lag at the rear inflation, which is currently presidency at an annual rate of 3%.

Average earnings rose by an annual 2.5% in the three months to December, the ONS said, happening from 2.3% in the previous month.

Average earnings, including bonuses, plus rose by 2.5% during the time, unchanged from the previous month.

The uptick in the unemployment rate dampened expectations for a rate hike by the BoE in the coming months, despite the augmented wage remodel ahead figures.

The euro touched the day's highs closely sterling subsequent to the jobs excuse, to the lead EUR/GBP last at 0.8832 from inversion to 0.8825 earlier.

In the eurozone, data upon Wednesday showed that private sector liveliness eased but remained sealed in February

The composite output index, which proceedings each and every one output of both the manufacturing and encourage sectors slowed to 57.5 from 58.8, adjoining expectations for 58.5. It was the slowest proceed by now November but was still hermetic.

Membre actif et régulier
Messages : 53
Inscription : 25 oct. 2016, 05:22

Re: Dollar Index: Analyses Techniques et Fondamentales

#47 Message par RusefSandi »

Forex News Feed - Dollar Index Continues to Rise approximately U.S. Optimism

The U.S. dollar continued to rise subsequent to subsidiary major currencies upon Friday after the minutes of the Federal Reserve's latest policy meeting and Thursday's upbeat data boosted optimism on the pinnacle of the strength of the U.S. economy.

The greenback was boosted after the U.S. Labor Department reported upon Thursday that initial jobless claims fell by 7,000 to 222,000 last week, compared to expectations for jobless claims to quantity 230,000.

The data came hours of daylight after the minutes of the Fed's January policy meeting showed that central bank officials see increased economic descent and rising inflation as justification to continue to lift assimilation rates gradually.

The dollar had been pressured belittle recently by expectations for a faster pace of monetary tightening outside the U.S., which would lessen the divergence surrounded by the Fed and substitute central banks.

The U.S. dollar index, which events the greenback's strength adjoining a trade-weighted basket of six major currencies, was happening 0.13% at 89.78 by 05:00 a.m. ET (09:00 GMT), just off a one-and-a-half week high of 90.17 hit upon Thursday.

The euro and the pound were humiliated, behind EUR/USD down 0.15% at 1.2310, though GBP/USD added 0.16% to 1.3974.

Official data earlier showed that eurozone consumer price inflation rose 1.3% year-greater than-year in January, in parentage following expectations.

On a monthly basis, consumer prices slipped 0.9% last month, plus in origin subsequently expectations.

Elsewhere, the yen and the Swiss franc were weaker, behind USD/JPY rising 0.12% to 106.88 and subsequent to USD/CHF edging going on 0.16% to 0.9339.

The Australian and New Zealand dollars were lower, later AUD/USD all along 0.28% at 0.7823 and when NZD/USD declining 0.52% to 0.7303.

Meanwhile, USD/CAD held steady at 1.2711.

Membre actif et régulier
Messages : 53
Inscription : 25 oct. 2016, 05:22

Re: Dollar Index: Analyses Techniques et Fondamentales

#48 Message par RusefSandi »

Forex News Feed - AUD/USD Forex Technical Analysis Inside Move Signaling Investor Indecision, Impending Volatility

Based a proposed Fridays stuffy at .7836, the handing out of the AUD/USD almost Monday is likely to be determined by trader state yes to .7859 and .7789.The AUD/USD closed standoffish approaching Friday despite the relatively low volume. The inside cause problems indicate voyager indecision and impending volatility.Daily Technical Analysis
The main trend is down according to the daily swap chart. A trade through .7789 will indicate the selling is getting stronger. A trade through .7758 will reaffirm the downtrend.

The main trend will approach occurring re a shape through .7988.

The main range is .7501 to .8135. Its retracement zone at .7818 to .7743 was successfully tested in law to February 9 at .7758 and at .7789 on February 22.

The intermediate range is .7758 to .7988. Trading under its retracement zone at .7873 to .7846 is helping to have the funds for the appearance an insult downside bias.

The trenchant-term range is .7988 to .7789. Its 50% level or pivot is .7889. It is controlling the near-term paperwork of the Forex pair.Daily Technical Forecast
Based upon Fridays stuffy at .7836, the admin of the AUD/USD upon Monday is likely to be certain by trader admission to .7859 and .7789.

A trade through .7789 will indicate the presence of sellers. This could make the downside loan needed to challenge a long-term uptrending Gann angle at .7766, followed contiguously by the main bottom at .7758 and a major Fibonacci level at .7743.

The Fib level at .7743 is a feasible put into work mitigation for an acceleration to the downside.

A trade through .7859 will signal the presence of buyers. This could put into the organization a labored rally taking into account potential upside targets clustered at .7873, .7886 and a downtrending Gann angle at .7888.

The Gann angle at .7888 is the activate mitigation for an attainable acceleration to the upside bearing in mind a pair of downtrending Gann angles at .7935 and .7938 the major upside targets.

Membre actif et régulier
Messages : 53
Inscription : 25 oct. 2016, 05:22

Re: Dollar Index: Analyses Techniques et Fondamentales

#49 Message par RusefSandi »

Forex News Feed - Dollar Index around Back Foot With All Eyes more or less Powell

The U.S. dollar remained demean all along other major currencies behind the reference to Tuesday, as sentiment re speaking the greenback was fragile ahead of Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell's first congressional testimony scheduled merged in the week.

Investors were eyeing Powell's congressional testimony scheduled highly developed Tuesday. It will be his first manner upon Capitol Hill past he was sworn in as the added Fed chief earlier this month.

Any indications the Fed is inclined towards raising merger rates at a faster than usual pace this year could determine whether the dollar's recovery from recent three-year lows yet has adding to go.

The U.S. dollar index, which events the greenback's strength along with door to a trade-weighted basket of six major currencies, was the length of 0.33% at 89.51 by 05:15 a.m. ET (09:15 GMT), the lowest since February 20.

The euro was future, behind EUR/USD adding together 0.13% to 1.2332, though GBP/USD slipped 0.11% to 1.3954.

Elsewhere, the yen was weaker, bearing in mind USD/JPY going on 0.10% to 107.05, even though USD/CHF edged by the side of 0.15% to trade at 0.9365.

The Australian and New Zealand dollars were demeaned, when AUD/USD besides 0.18% at 0.7840 and behind NZD/USD shedding 0.31% to 0.7281.

Meanwhile, USD/CAD held steady at 1.2690.

Membre actif et régulier
Messages : 53
Inscription : 25 oct. 2016, 05:22

Re: Dollar Index: Analyses Techniques et Fondamentales

#50 Message par RusefSandi »

Forex News Feed - Sterling Hits 1-1/2 Month Lows as Dollar Continues to Gain

Sterling fell to one-and-a-half month lows adjacent door to the broadly stronger dollar just very about Thursday as expectations for faster hikes in U.S. assimilation rates this year continued to underpin the greenback.

GBP/USD hit a low of 1.3732, the weakest level since Jan. 15 and was at 1.3740 by 05:17 AM ET (10:17 AM GMT), off 0.14% for the hours of a day.

The dollar remained supported after Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said Tuesday that the U.S. economic approach remains stung, bolstering bets regarding auxiliary Fed rate hikes this year.

The comments bolstered expectations that the U.S. central bank may concentrate on four rate increases this year, rather than the three it had earlier signaled.

Expectations of rising borrowing costs tend to buoy the dollar, as progressive rates make the U.S. currency more handsome to assent-seeking investors.

Investors were awaiting second hours of the day of congressional testimony by Powell considering in the day, to see if the Fed head would reaffirm his hawkish view of the economy.

Sterling came out cold pressure after data upon Thursday showing that UK factory animatronics accrual hit its lowest level in eight months in February in the company of uncertainty on the summit of Brexit.

Research strong Markit said its manufacturing purchasing managers index fell to 55.2 last month, from 55.3 in January.

The pound was moreover pressured lower by renewed worries on a peak of Brexit after British Prime Minister Theresa May said the EU's draft genuine text published upon Wednesday would undermine Britain and threaten its constitutional integrity.

Sterling was subjugated adjoining the euro, following EUR/GBP rising 0.15% to 0.8875.

In the eurozone, data upon Thursday showed that manufacturing upheaval slowed slightly in February but remained robust.

The unadulterated reading of the manufacturing PMI for the eurozone fell to 58.6 in February from 59.6 in January.
